I registered in 2009.
I'm keen to know why I don't remember this. Why, for the past 29 months have I been sitting here going "Ah, I don't have an account." Peculiar, the foxy brain, isn't it? Anyway, hello one and all, some of you may know me from various sections of the Internet and I will most certainly be at CF'12, for the fourth ConFuzzled in a row. Sponsoring, this time, too. Hot fuzz. Looking forward to seeing you down there! (Though there's probably a good chance I won't get to see everybody I want to).
And located nearby in Birmingham for 12 months of the year, I'm delighted the 2nd biggest European con is half an hour from my door. ^.^ Prepare cookies and malibu for my arrival and I shall see you all on the forums and here and hereabouts in good time. ^.^