I'm Marie, I live near Birmingham :3
I'm 20 but my 21st is a two weeks after CF2013!
I've never met another furry because I've just moved here to the West Midlands from West Wales, no one knew I was a furry back there/then! Since finding out there's so many of us up here I've stopped hiding it from certain people
so obviously this will be my first time suiting AND meeting other furries. So I'm super nervous!
I'm not new to the site because I was hoping to go to cf last year but didn't get too! I'm still waiting for my registration to go through but I'm all organised and ill be staying in a seperate hotel.
I'm super shy so I hope my brand new Lemur partial will help with that! Ill probably be that strange short fursuiter hugging everyone I see. Ha.
You can find me on FA (Kinpo) and DA (ScuppetBaby)