Hey everyone, this is just to repost what was sent out in an email to all attendees.
Hi Everyone!
With only two weeks to go we wanted to let you know that we have a very fine selection of items, including some exclusive one of a kind items, and some very unique ones up for sale for our charity auction for the badger trust.
The reason we're letting you know this is because we also wanted to hear from you if you have any items you'd like to auction off for charity.
If you do, please let us know at
artroom@confuzzled.org.uk as soon as you can!
We're still after talented people to do any act at the masquerade, be it a comedy act, musical act, puppet act or simply just showing off your fursuit.
If you're interested, the deadline has been extended until the 11th June, just email back to this address if you are!
And Finally,
Don't forget to check your email in a week for the final ConFuzzled email!
CF Team.